
Thoughts on Water Bottles

Regular visits to my favorite local park (Sloan's Lake) have made me realize many things--like many people don't care about putting their water bottles (labels & lids TOO) in the trash. Well, their carelessness gives me green wishes.

Some thoughts on these dang bottles:
  1. Try to use reusable bottles whenever possible
  2. When purchasing bottles of water like these, make a commitment to RECYCLING them! This may mean taking it home with you (if your park does not have a recycling bin). And that goes DOUBLE for the lids and labels that always seem to avoid finding a home in the trash.

My green wishes for today came from 2 water bottle lids, one water bottle label, 3 straws and some kind of candy wrapper:

  1. The BP well is once and forever capped and sealed.
  2. Recent rain in CO brings happiness to all gardens in the state.
  3. The Colorado Dragon Boat Festival at Sloan's Lake goes off without a hitch and without too much litter piling up in the park.
  4. Plans for the Horseshoe Craft and Flea Market (being held October 2 in North Denver) continue to move forward as a fantastic community event!
  5. Wishes #5 and #6 are given up to others. If you read this....please feel free to take one and make it your own!

Happy Wishing!

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